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My  Existence

I think that God created me for a reason, and I think he has a specific plan for me that I need to fulfill. I believe that God created the universe and that everything he created is a part of his plan. I don't exactly know what my purpose is yet, but I have faith that it will be revealed to me through time or however God plans to reveal it to me.

It's dangerous to spend my life thinking I have no purpose. I think it's good for the mind to know that we each live for a reason. It also contributes to having an optimistic viewpoint. 


So far with my own goals I've created, I would like to make a difference in the way animals are being treated all over the globe. These issues about endangered species, animal abuse, etc. all drive me to make a difference even if it's just a small difference. I would feel guilty if I didn't do something, so I feel as though it's part of my plan to help them.



For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

The Crave to Learn

I crave to read about adventure and mystery. I love books that include travel experiences because it makes me excited that one day I will have the chance to explore the world and increase my worldview. I find it interesting to learn about different cultures, festivals, religions, and practices that other cultures adopt and alter to make their own. As seen in the pictures to your right, I would like to learn/read about a lot of other issues, hobbies, passions, and ways of life.

What does this say about me?

It says that I have a passion for the world around me, and I'm an adventurous person. It says that I'm a musical person, and I have motivation and consistency in my willingness to learn. It says that I am devoted to giving my life to Christ. It says that I'm a compassion person, and I have the drive to make a difference. It says that I like being able to see the unknown, but I know that some things are meant to be left unknown. 

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